My journey as a quilter began many years ago and I really haven't looked back. I had tried various crafts over the years, but found my calling when I started patchwork. This blog will chronicle some of the items that I am currently working on. If asked to describe something about me,I would tell you that I am just a big kid at heart. My favourite saying is "Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. (Anon)
G'day. Last Saturday I attend a craft market and on one of the stalls they were selling these combination lamp, magnifier and pattern, holder/clip. I have been wanting one for some time, so bit the bullet and bought it.
I do most of my embroidery sitting in this chair and even though there is a large floor to ceiling window behind it, a bit of extra light is a bonus. Not to mention the magnifier which is just the best. All in all, a great purchase.
Now I really don't have any excuses for not finishing off the blocks of the Christmas quilt I started quite a long time ago. I have been very slack with this project. Went like a bull at a gate when I first started it, but then other things took over and it went by the wayside.
I am pleased to say another block is finished and I have now started one more.
I've been very quiet on this blog. But I hope to rectify that in the coming New Year. I have so many projects to complete, that I really must get on with them.
This quilt was made for hubby's god daughters baby girl. Her name is Hermione. She is beautiful.
It's not a very good photo. I should have taken a better one. The blocks and borders have ballerinas on them. It's lovely fabric and the quilt turned out very well. I am really pleased with it and am happy to say that the mother of this gorgeous little girl was overcome with tears when we presented it to her and her husband recently. It is always a good feeling when someone appreciates the time, thought and effort that goes into a handmade gift such as this. I also did the label for the back on my new embroidery machine. Sorry, silly me didn't think to take a photo of that!!
After finishing this quilt, I am eager to get some more UFO's done, but they will have to wait until I get back from France.
G'day. The two T shirts that one of the girls at work asked me to do for her nieces are now finished. The larger one of the two is very slightly off centre and not quite straight, but it looks good and I am very happy with them both. I have only had the embroidery machine for a short while and was anxious when approached about doing this work.Also, I am getting paid to do these two pieces, so I wanted them to be right. I can now hand them over and breathe a sigh of relief. Take care. Liz...
G'day. I have put the borders on my wall hanging and it is looking much better.
The border fabric is one that I have been hanging onto for some time, only because I was going to make it into a bag, but hadn't gotten around to it. This photo is probably not the best one out of the few that I took, but it has our little dog "Lucky" in it. He is waiting to come inside. I gave him a bath about an hour previously and he has been laying in the sun drying off. Anyway, back to the project at hand. I now have to go through my stash for some backing fabric. I have been trying to use up some of the fabric that I have been hoarding for "that special project", just in case that special project should pop up.But, have decided it's not much use just having the materials here if I am not going to use them. Take care. Liz...
G'day. I made this wall hanging some years ago and I have never been happy with it. The border wasn't right, the binding looked terrible, it didn't hang right and every time I looked at it, I knew I had to fix it at some stage. Well, that stage came last week. I was lucky that I hadn't done any free motion quilting on it, otherwise it may have been a different story. As you can see in the second picture, I have stripped it right back and after straightening it up, (yes, the background fabric was crooked, shame on me !!) I now feel much happier with it. I have selected a lovely green floral to redo the borders in and I think it will look much nicer and hopefully it will hang right this time. It's a lovely piece and I look forward to having it hanging back on the wall soon and I will post a photo when it is finished. Take care. Liz...
G'day. I made my first version of this doll a few years ago. I was recently asked to make him again for the daughter of a friend. I completed him on the weekend.
Luckily, I still had most of the fabric left over from my earlier one, so I didn't have to go hunting for anything.
I still have my original one, he sits atop the old kitchen dresser in my sewing room and he still brings a smile to the faces of everyone who sees him.
G'day. I haven't done much sewing of late, but yesterday, managed to make the spicy mug mats that I have wanted to get done for some time.
I bought the bright and breezy fabric some time ago as I love the vibrant colors and had these mats in mind for it.
I have put a homemade sachet of allspice in them, this can be removed when the mats need washing.
I am not entirely happy with the Allspice, the theory is that when a hot cup is placed on them, they should release the fragrance of the spice, but mine do not. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe they could give me please? I know I can get any number from the Internet, but I am hoping someone out there will have a good one. Take care. Liz...